Same with humans, Labrador Retrievers and other breed of dog can be affected with different types of skin problems. These skin problems vary depending on the allergen and how it affects your beloved canine friend.
Inhalant Allergy
Inhalant allergy, also referred to as atopy is the most common type of allergy. This allergy is caused by things such as tree pollens, grass pollens, weed pollens, molds, dust mites and chemicals- the same things that cause allergy to humans. Inhalant allergy may present itself in the form of scratching, biting, chewing at feet and constant licking which may lead to irritation and later infection.
Atopy is life-long condition and there is no known cure for this disease. However, there are ways to manage the problem:
- Anti-itch therapy. Anti-itch therapy includes the use of drugs, hypoallergenic shampoos and conditioners. Frequent bathing provides temporary relief from itching and reduces the amount of antigen exposure.
- Anti-inflammatory drugs. Anti-inflammatory drugs such as steroids may be given to block the allergic reaction. Antihistamines and fatty acids can also be given to your dog to lessen the allergic reaction.
- Removing the sources. As much as possible, remove the sources of the allergy from the environment. If you know that your dog is allergic to weed pollens, it is best to avoid that substance.
Food Allergy
Labrador Retrievers are prone to food allergy being dogs with hearty appetite, eating digestible and non-food alike. Dogs are usually sensitive to fish, eggs, chicken, pork, chemical preservatives and artificial sugars. Symptoms of food allergies in dogs include scratching at ears, shaking of the head, licking and biting their back legs, inflammation in the ears and in some cases, coughing, vomiting, sneezing and diarrhea.
To treat food allergy, carefully monitor your dog's diet. Take note what food triggers the allergy.
Flea Allergy
Flea allergy dermatitis, also called flea bite hypersensitivity is a type of skin disease caused by flea saliva. Dogs with flea allergy chew and bite their backs, legs, bellies or tails. One bite of flea can cause flea allergy that could last for up to five to seven days.
Flea control program must be taken to help your dog with this problem. But be careful in using strong chemicals for it can cause seizures and skin problems.
Bacterial Allergy
bacterial allergy, also referred to as pyoderma is caused by bacteria called Staphylococcus. The bacteria is not threatening to the dog as long as its immune system functions perfectly. However, the problem starts if your dog's immune system gets weak. Once allergy developed, red blotches, formation of pus pustules and hair loss can be seen.
Richard Cussons has written articles of various breeds including Labrador Retrievers. Discover tips on training Labradors at
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